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Airtel Nigeria Blackberry Plans and Subscription codes

The Airtel BlackBerry plans have been JINGED, providing more value for your money’s worth, to suit your specific needs! Subscribers can now take up plans for BlackBerry devices and other device types, AT NO EXTRA COST! Come Alive! With any of the plans that match your style! Ready to choose a plan? Choose your device:

Plan Tariff (N) Data Allowance (MB) Validity (days) Dial USSD Code Send SMS to 440 COMMENTS
BB Unlimited, Daily 100 40 1 *440*18# bbud Usable on all device types
BB Unlimited, Weekly 525 200 7 *440*17# bbuw Usable on all device types
BB Unlimited, Monthly 1,500 3072 30 *440*16# bbum Usable on all device types
BB Complete, Daily 100 50 1 *440*3# bcd Usable only on BlackBerry devices
BB Complete, Weekly 500 500 7 *440*2# bcw Usable only on BlackBerry devices
BB Complete, Monthly 1,000 3072 30 *440*1# bcm Usable only on BlackBerry devices


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