Write for Us

TechInsider NG is a community for everyone, so you are all welcome to share your knowledge and expertise with us; No one is an Island of knowledge so we will be glad to learn from your insights.

For everything, there are rules, therefore, if you want to write for us on this blog there are some rules you will need to follow. The rules are quite simple and they are not things that are new to you.


Before you read on, please note that I will only accept articles from bloggers/writers and not link builders/marketers, and you can only include links to your social profiles! If you are a link builder, Visit Our Advertising Page

Please adhere strictly to the submission Guidelines.

Submission Guidelines

  •  Your post written for TechInsider NG must be unique, Informative and original, in other words, the same has never been published on any other site/blog, including your own blog.
  • You can write on Gadgets, Mobile, Technology, Computers, Android and the likes!
  • Your post should be formatted with MS Word and heading two should be used for Sub-headings.
  • You are not allowed to link to commercial sites /affiliate links in your Author Bio. Only a link to your “Blog” is allowed.
  • You must visit your profile and complete every necessary fields including the Social fields.
  • Proofread your article for grammatical or spelling errors. Anyway, I’ll check the same and if it were necessary, eventually, I can edit your work to correct it.
  •  The article should have at least a minimum of 500 words. If it’s possible, I prefer lengthy-quality articles; also it’d be scan able with headlines, sub-headlines, bulleted lists, etc. Using heading 2 for sub-headlines.
  • I request to  writers replying to each of all the comments generated of their own guest post. This is a social blog therefore after the post is live, please endeavor to come back to reply comments. 
  • Please upload a profile picture on your Author account.
  • It’d be great if in your article, you can insert some linking to former posts on our blog, with topics-related to the same.
  • Attach any images you want to include in the post.

How to Submit Your Articles to TechInsider

Register as a Subscriber here; and use the contact form below to send me your username. You are to complete your author profile including your bio, and your bio will automatically appear beneath each of your Articles on this blog.

After registering, use the Contact Form to contact me with your Username so that I can upgrade your Account to a Contributor Status. 

Note: Am only accepting articles from bloggers/writers and not Link Builders, you can only link to your BLOG in the Author Bio. If you are a link builder or SEOr, visit our Advertising page